
We are ŠKODA JS, the general contractor for comprehensive maintenance and repairs within all equipment of the reactor building including the primary circuit and fuel management systemes at the Dukovany and Temelín nuclear power plants and a long-term partner for operators of nuclear power plants throughout Europe.


The NPP Services division represents one of the three core pillars of the ŠKODA JS Company. Its domain includes a wide range of services that we offer and provide to our customers and partners, nuclear power plant operators. We are viewed as a strong and reliable partner capable of ensuring deliveries within the entire lifecycle of nuclear power plants. Our common goal is to maintain their safe, effective and reliable operation.

An industry leader with a comprehensive scope of activities

With a tradition of more than 60 years, ŠKODA JS is one of the leaders in nuclear engineering in Europe. Thanks to the three pillars of our business – engineering, production and service – and also thanks to our extensive experience, knowledge and the technical expertise of our staff, we can guarantee comprehensive and advanced solutions to our customers in the areas of scheduled maintenance as well as operational maintenance and special repairs, in the field of nuclear power plant modernization or the production of components for VVER, PWR, BWR as well as research and training nuclear reactors and other unique equipment used in the operation of nuclear power plants.

We are the general partner for maintenance and repairs of primary circuit systems and fuel handling systems at all six nuclear units operated in the Czech Republic – the Temelín NPP (VVER 1000) and the Dukovany NPP (VVER 440). Specifically, we ensure the maintenance and servicing for the Reactor Building Logical Unit. Our regular activities include primary circuit essential component lifetime management. We provide strength, thermodynamic and radiation calculations as well as the development of new equipment for retrospective dosimetry.

Material Laboratories and Testing Shops

Our material laboratories perform standard material tests and expert examinations within our production, service or development contracts. We are an accredited testing laboratory pursuant to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Significant activities of the Material Laboratories include assessments of inspected welding joints for nuclear power plants.

The Testing Shops are a specialized facility where using a unique test loop we perform handover tests of PRO-M control rod drives and LKP-M linear step drives. For external companies, the Testing Shops carry out hydraulic tests of fuel assembly models and verify the tightness of flange joint models. For example, hydraulic tests of a new Westinghouse fuel assembly model were performed at the LKP 1000 stand. The positive results of the hydraulic tests were decisive for the delivery of 6 pcs of Westinghouse fuel assemblies to the reactor core at the Temelín NPP.

Few words from Division Director

Zdeněk Kratochvíl, NPP Services Division Director

The service of important components of VVER-type nuclear power plants has a long-standing tradition at ŠKODA JS. Thanks to our experience, practice and know-how we are a strong and reliable partner for our customers.

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Zdeněk Kratochvíl
NPP Services Division Director

Reactor building equipment outage management

  • Service of technological equipment of the Reactor Building Logical Unit, Temelín NPP / Units 1 and 2
  • Service of technological equipment of the Reactor Building Logical Unit, Dukovany NPP / Units 1 - 4

Reactor building equipment maintenance and repairs

Reactor building equipment modernization

Reactor building equipment lifetime management/extension

Material Laboratories

  • Accredited material testing and expert examinations carried out mostly as part of production, maintenance and development contracts
  • Assessment of inspected welding joints for nuclear power plants
  • Production of connectors and glass-sealed cable penetrations for PRO-M and LKP control rod drives

Designer's supervision during inspections and repairs of reactor and its parts

Testing Shops

  • Testing of VVER control rod drive mechanisms
  • Testing of VVER fuel assemblies

Inspections of LPG tanks using the acoustic emission method



ŠKODA JS - people I can rely on for many reasons.

Comprehensive maintenance of the primary circuit equipment

Comprehensive maintenance of the primary circuit equipment

  • General partner for comprehensive repairs and maintenance since 2008
  • Dukovany and Temelín NPPs
Repair of a heterogeneous weld joint at a steam generator

Repair of a heterogeneous weld joint at a steam generator

  • General contractor for a unique repair
  • Preparation, tests, calculations and implementation
  • Dukovany and Temelín NPPs
Device for removal, transport and disposal of thermocouples and neutron flux sensors

Device for removal, transport and disposal of thermocouples and neutron flux sensors

  • Transport and disposal of thermocouples and neutron flux sensors from VVER 440 reactors
  • Transport and disposal of thermocouples and neutron flux sensors from VVER 1000 reactors
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