Thanks to our experience, practice and know-how we are a strong and reliable partner for our customers.

The service of important components of VVER-type nuclear power plants has a long-standing tradition at ŠKODA JS. Thanks to our experience, practice and know-how we are a strong and reliable partner for our customers.

Zdeněk Kratochvíl, NPP Services Division Director

Zkoušky kontejneru ŠKODA 1000/19 na 2. bloku JE Temelín

Nuclear energy represents one of the least environmental burdens in terms of carbon dioxide emissions from all electricity generation methods. Nevertheless, the Federal Republic of Germany, which to a certain extent determines direction in Europe, decided to embark on a nuclear-free energy economy a few years ago. In the nuclear energy sector, the Czech Republic is opposed to the EU mainstream and is considering the completion of new nuclear power plant units. The opposite of Germany is also strongly pro-nuclear France, which is very low-emission thanks to its nuclear power plants and its CO2 emissions are far below the EU average.

Our company must also consider the direction it should take in the coming years, because European policy has no uniform consensus and the approach of the individual countries to the core varies considerably. We were at the establishment of both Dukovany and Temelín nuclear power plants, from the production of the reactor, the “heart” of the power plant, through its construction and installation, to today's primary circuit service. In ŠKODA JS, we have no doubt that nuclear energy is the right direction not only of Czech but also of European energy.

Since 2008, we have been in charge of servicing both Czech nuclear power plants - Dukovany and Temelín.

Oprava heterogenního svaru na JE Dukovany

Nowadays, the maintenance of nuclear power plants is becoming increasingly difficult. Our advantage is that we are one of the best traditional Czech engineering companies operating in the energy sector and having a so-called triangular business model - engineering, production and service. In our company we have something to build on and that is why since 2008 we have been taking care of both Czech nuclear power plants, Dukovany and Temelín, where we act as the main provider of services for the Reactor Building Logical Unit. The service of important components of VVER-type nuclear power plants has a long-standing tradition at ŠKODA JS, and by acting directly at nuclear power plants we are an extended hand of our colleagues from Plzeň.

We are constantly improving in all areas of nuclear power plant service.

Servisní práce na 2. bloku JE Temelín

Thanks to our experience, practice and know-how we are a strong and reliable partner for our customers. We are constantly improving in all areas of nuclear power plant service, from preparation, through implementation, to inspections that are much more thorough today than before. Together, we are able to prepare and carry out routine outage work, but also a number of unique repairs, where we build on long-term and unique maintenance know-how, as well as on the top expertise and background of the entire company.

Our word holds true!

Servisní práce na horním bloku VVER 440 na JE Dukovany

In our division, we are open to the views of our colleagues and we show mutual respect. We conclude not only contracts with the customer, but also partnerships in which trust and mutual cooperation come first. Our word holds true! We share information in favor of long-term partnerships.

I am aware that in our area it is very important to know what technology we are working with and what the impact of our activities may be. That's why leadership is also very important! We must discuss and work together to promote the right principles of work in all positions, not just at a nuclear power plant.