Nuclear power plants in Ukraine

Nuclear power plants in Ukraine

Zaporozhye, Khmelnytska, Rovno and South Ukraine NPPs

In the second half of the 1990s, we became one of the suppliers of components for a number of units at nuclear power plants in Ukraine. Over the past more than 20 years, we have supplied to the individual units almost 900 linear step drives and more than 30 sections of compact storage racks for the wet storage of spent nuclear fuel in the spent fuel pool.

Záporožská JE

In 2016, we commenced work on the project of refurbishment of a part of the I&C systems – a unified technology set for the Zaporozhye NPP. This delivery includes a software and hardware system for processing input and output signals and their transfer to other control systems of the nuclear power plant’s unit, and a software and hardware automated control system for regulation and control of VVER 1000 reactor drive mechanisms. This project was completed in 2019 and commissioned in 2021.

Since 2017, ŠKODA JS has been continually delivering equipment for the prevention of early containment core melt-through (also referred to as the capping of channels of ionization chambers) for selected units at the Zaporozhye, Khmelnytska, Rovno and South Ukraine NPPs. This contract includes not only equipment production, but also assembly supervision and training for operating staff. The direct customer is the NAEK Energoatom Company, owner of the Ukrainian power plants. This project is part of a comprehensive program aimed at increasing the safety level of nuclear power units at nuclear power plants.

Since 2017, we have dealt with another interesting and important project, also aimed at enhancing the safety of power plants in Ukraine – Emergency Containment Depressurization. In the event of a severe accident, the pressure in the containment would be reduced in a controlled fashion through a multi-stage filtration system in order to prevent any radionuclides from escaping into the surrounding area. The project is part of the post-Fukushima measures and its implementation eliminates the risk of overpressurization of the containment and it subsequently being damaged. This project, in which the main subcontractor for ŠKODA JS is FRAMATOME, is comprised of a series of deliveries of equipment, including its assembly. The project involved a total of 11 units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants and the last delivery took place in 2020.

At the beginning of 2020, a successful acceptance and testing of a special transporter for spent fuel took place at the Zaporozhye power plant in Ukraine. At the end of 2019, we delivered the transporter to our long-term customer NAEK „Energoatom“. The transporter will be used at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for the transport of a special cask, which is also developed by our designers. Another function will be the transport of concrete casks around the spent fuel storage area.

In the years 2019-2020, we supplied removable upper reserve racks for the storage of spent nuclear fuel at two units of the Rovno NPP.

A modernized fuel handling machine was delivered to Units 3, 4 and 5 of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The project includes the supply and installation of a new control system, including the working and television rod of the fuel handling machines at Units 3, 4 and 5 of the Zaporozhye NPP in Ukraine.

Chernobyl NPP

vagon kontejner pro transport paliva typu RBMK z JE Černobyl

In 2016, the assembly of a cask wagon was completed at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for the transport of RBMK-type fuel from the nuclear power plant to an interim spent fuel storage facility located in an area 30 kilometers away. The contract for supplying a cask of ŠKODA JS’s own design included its design, production, delivery, assembly and certification. The 12-meter cask is intended for the transport of 9 special spent fuel assemblies.

The history of our cooperation

kompaktní skladovací mříže

1994 the first delivery of compact storage racks – 5 sections for the storage of 679 fuel assemblies for the Rovno NPP

kompaktní skladovací mříže

1995the first delivery of compact storage racks – 1 section for the storage of 127 fuel assemblies for the Zaporozhye NPP

kompaktní skladovací mříže

1996delivery of compact storage racks – 5 sections for 679 fuel assemblies for the Khmelnytska NPP

lineární krokové pohony řídicích tyčí

1996the first set of linear step drives supplied to the Ukrainian market (58 pcs for the South Ukraine NPP, Unit 1) – type LKP/M2

lineární krokové pohony řídicích tyčí

1997-2001the first delivery of control rod drives for the Rovno NPP, Unit 4 – type LKP/M2

lineární krokové pohony řídicích tyčí

1999-2001the first delivery of control rod drives for the Zaporozhye NPP, Unit 3 – type LKP/M2

lineární krokové pohony řídicích tyčí

2004the first delivery of control rod drives for the Khmelnytska NPP, Unit 2 – type LKP/M2

lineární krokové pohony řídicích tyčí

2012delivery of the first set (70 pcs) of modernized control rod drives – type LKP/M3 for the Khmelnytska NPP

komponenty palivových souborů VVER 1000

2008-2017delivery of more than 1,500 fuel assembly components (top and bottom nozzles) through our direct customer Westinghouse (for the South Ukraine and Zaporozhye NPPs)

vagon kontejner pro JE Černobyl

2016delivery of a cask wagon (cask of our own design) for the Chernobyl NPP

Záporožská JE, Ukrajina

since 2016ongoing work on the refurbishment of a part of the I&C systems – a unified technology set for the Zaporozhye NPP

havarijní snížení tlaku v kontejnmentu

since 2017ongoing work on the projects of emergency containment depressurization and sealing of ionization chamber channels

2019delivery of a special spent fuel cask transporter and a refuelling cask for Zaporozhye NPP

Interesting numbers

1500 fuel assembly components for the South Ukraine and Zaporozhye NPPs (2008-2017)
37sections of compact storage racks for the storage of 6293 fuel assemblies (1994-2020)
883 linear step drives (1996-2016) for a total of 13 units at nuclear power plants in Ukraine