What is the Whistleblowing Hotline?
The Whistleblowing Hotline, as part of the Internal Whistleblowing System, is a tool available to employees and third parties to report illegal, unfair or unethical conduct which is in violation of the CEZ Group Code of Conduct and which has occurred or may occur in the future.
The Whistleblowing Hotline is established in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 171/2023 Sb., Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers (hereinafter also referred to as "Act") and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Filing a notification through the Whistleblowing Hotline ensures that identified whistleblowers are protected from retaliation. In the case of an anonymous notification, protection under the Act is provided from the moment the identity of the whistleblower comes to light.
In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, ŠKODA JS is narrowing the range of persons from whom it receives and investigates notifications under the Act:
- individuals performing work on the basis of employment relationship (employees in an employment relationship, persons performing work on the basis of employment agreements outside the employment relationship, part-time employees and employees of an employment agency);
- individuals performing voluntary activities;
- individuals carrying out an apprenticeship or traineeship; or
- civil service officials.
Other whistleblowers (e.g. business partners and other third parties) may also submit notification through the Whistleblowing Hotline. These notifications will be investigated objectively and independently outside the applicability of the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers.
Please note that your notification may be forwarded to CEZ company as the entrusted entity pursuant to Section 8 (2) of the Act. If you do not wish your notification to be forwarded to and investigated by CEZ company, please indicate so in your notification.
You can use the following options to submit your notification:
- phone line: +420 371 102 910
- e-mail address: compliance@skoda-js.cz
- personal notification to an authorized person
on behalf of ŠKODA JS:
- Martin Moulis, +420 371 102 910, martin.moulis@skoda-js.cz
- Martin Šourek, +420 371 102 910, martin.sourek@skoda-js.cz
on behalf of the entrusted entity, CEZ company:
- Leopold Černý, +420 211 045 910, leopold.cerny@cez.cz
- Lucie Forstová, +420 211 045 910, lucie.forstova@cez.cz
- Michaela Kovaříková, +420 211 045 910, michaela.kovarikova@cez.cz
- Radek Holeček, +420 211 045 910, radek.holecek@cez.cz
- Nikolas Bihary, +420 211 045 910, nikolas.bihary@cez.cz
The contacts listed above are intended only for arranging personal meeting with an authorized person to make an oral report. Do not submit whistleblowing notification via these e-mails. To submit a notification, use one of the options listed under “I Want to Submit Notification”.
As a whistleblower, you can also submit your notification directly to the Ministry of Justice: Chci podat oznámení – veřejnost – Oznamovatel (justice.cz)